
how do i stop a flea infestation Archives | Skyway Animal Hospital

How To Stop A Flea Infestation

By | Pet Health

Any pet owner at one time or another experienced flea infestation and is always a challenge to get stop it. how to stop a flea infestationA flea is a small wingless jumping insect that feeds on the blood of pets. It sometimes transmits diseases through its bite, including plague and myxomatosis. So you can see how important it is to stop flea infestation.

Fleas hide in pets’ fur, clothing, bedding, etc therefore realize that an effective flea elimination should involve treating both your pet and surroundings – wherever your pet lives and moves or likely to move around.

Pet owners employ different methods and tools to fight these dreadful creatures. These include;

  • Flea shampoo
  • Flea dip
  • Flea collar
  • Flea comb
  • Flea powder
  • Flea spray
  • “Spot-on” treatment
  • Oral medication
  • Healthy Nutrition
  • Vacuum Cleaning
  • Laundry
  • Etc

Below is a step by step process on how to combine some of the above to have an effective system to combat flea infestation, however its effectiveness will depend on the severity of the problem;

1. Give your pets Capstar, a pill that kills adult fleas in 4 hours after the pet has swallowed it.

2. Next give it a dose of Lufenuron (“Program”). Lufenuron causes live fleas to lay eggs that won’t hatch and the existing eggs will also not hatch. So at this stage adult fleas are killed by Capstar and any eggs laid or going to be laid are taken care of for 4 weeks.

3. At the same time spray the house and the yard i.e. surroundings in contact with the pet, with Cedarcide. Cedarcide is a non-toxic solution that contains organic cedar oil and is effective in killing fleas and their eggs. This step is a combination of the above two but this time working on the environment. Some pet owners use foggers but because of their toxicity it may not be a good idea to use them.

4. To strengthen your attack on the flea infestation sprinkle DE (diatomaceous earth) another environmentally friendly substance, white talc-like powder, which is not harmful to pets and people but deadly to fleas and bugs. It is normally used to preserve grain based foods from bug attack.

5. At this time all fleas are likely killed and/or made barren and laid eggs cannot hatch into young fleas, however fleas in the pupa stage are treated. Since there is nothing that kills the pupa stage, repeat the treatment, except the Capstar and Lufenuron Program in 7-14 days to kill the fleas that survived the first round and those that hatched from the pupa stage.

6. As the above treatments are performed augment them with vacuum cleaning every day and as a precautionary measure remove the bag or empty the vacuum canister into a garbage bag and throw everything away, out of the house.

7. Also remember to take all bedding, towels and other items the pets use and laundered them every 2-3 days.

8. To measure the effectiveness of these treatment steps set out flea traps. Note that flea traps, in this case, they would be used for flea control, trapping the fleas will just be a bonus. The primary use will be to monitor your progress. At the beginning they will fill up fast. The goal will be to have empty traps.

9. You may have young pets that are not ready for Capstar and Lufenuron Program in which they must be bathed with mild soap every day and use a flea comb to remove any fleas not washed away. A citrus blend of aromatherapy oils, which kills fleas on contact, can be used after bathing to add an extra measure against the fleas.

The above treatment steps against flea infestation attack are not failure proof and maybe varied how necessary however they are very effective because they address both the pet and the environment.

Skyway Animal Hospital
3258 5th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, FL 33712
(727) 327-5141

A veterinary hospital located in Pinellas County providing veterinary medical
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