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January 2014

Pet Microchip – Protection For Your Pet that Could Save It’s Life

By | Informational

It is a well-known fact that thousands of people lose their animals every year. The primary reason that many of them are not returned to their owners is because they lack proper identification. As a result of this, innovative people decided to create a microchip that could be implemented into canines to help their owners find them once again. This article will address the benefits, and for using pet microchips today.

What Is A Pet Microchip?

A microchip is very small, about the size of a grain of rice. It is a small computer chip that is surgically implanted between the shoulder blades of your dog. Your veterinarian will know how to install this device so that it does not harm your animal. Every chip has an alphanumeric code which is will identify your animal. Finally, the owners contact information is added to the dog’s registration completing the process.

How A Pet Microchip Can Help

Once a pet has been found, the animal is scanned. Upon finding the microchip, the registry will be contacted, and the owner’s information can be pulled up. Essentially, it is a technologically advanced pet tag that cannot be lost, and is very useful in specifically identifying lost animals wherever they may be.

Maintenance On The Pet Microchip?

Every pet microchip is maintenance free. They do not need to be updated, or replaced. The only thing that needs to be updated by the owner is the contact information. If the owner moves, or changes their phone number, if the information is not updated after registry, the microchip will serve no purpose. This can typically be done online, making it very easy to manage.

 Why You Should Consider A Pet Microchip

Although these microchips are mainly used on dogs, they can be inserted into other animals. It serves as a digital ID tag that can allow every pet owner to find their lost animal. In this technologically based age, the Internet makes it possible for people to connect all across the world. By having a microchip installed into your pet, regardless of where they are found, you will be able to reunite with them using this advanced technology.

Conclusion About  Pet Microchipping

Protecting your dog, or cat, that you have as a pet, should be of utmost importance to you. By using a pet microchip with your favorite animal, you are doing your best to use technology to protect them should they ever get lost. Talk to your veterinarian today about getting a microchip for your pet.

Skyway Animal Hospital
3258 5th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, FL 33712
(727) 327-5141

A veterinary hospital located in Pinellas County providing veterinary medical
and surgical care in St. Petersburg Florida and surrounding areas since 1961. Need veterinary care for your dog or cat?

We have the experience. Calls us for an appointment and let us help you with your best friend and companion.